Ernie's Maple Syrup & Other Holiday Highlights
Late afternoon a few weeks ago, I was walking from the office to my truck. A burgundy Enclave heading north hit the brakes and did an abrupt U turn. I had a hunch regarding what was about to transpire while trying hard not to get my hopes up.
When Ernie stepped out of the car wearing his trademark denim bibs and a wide smile, my suspicions were confirmed. I would soon be the recipient of a bottle of his homemade maple syrup, one of my top five "Holiday Highlights."
It would be natural to tire of the materialistic and wasteful commercialism screaming for our attention during the Holidays. And as a recovering scrooge who still has flashbacks of a particularly disappointing adolescent Christmas, I may have used that as an excuse in the past to trivialize Christmas.
However, that perspective fails to see the joy, generosity, innocence, and hopefulness that define its origin. The absence of Christmas would leave a void. From random acts of kindness to family celebrations, gifts, cards, letters, community and company events, the world is a better place because there is an annual celebration that draws attention to these ideals. The Holiday Season checks that box.
Company holiday parties are another highlight. We strive to have a respectful and positive work environment. Seeing the Team enjoying each other's company in a social setting validates our efforts. We've had two company parties with one left on the calendar. So far, we've haven't had anyone dancing on tables, but judging from attendance and bar tabs, the gang is getting along well.
Extended family gatherings for most are the iconic Christmas tradition. In my advanced age, I'm warming up to them as well. Between Linda's and my blended families, in-laws, outlaws, grandkids, girlfriends, boyfriends, nieces and nephews, aging parents, and siblings, every get together has potential for surprises, drama, and lasting memories.
Finally, for years I've had a goal of starting an annual getaway tradition with my immediate family. The thought is that over time, this habit will keep them closer, more appreciative of what they have in common, and instill a greater sense of responsibility to each other. My boys, girl-in-laws, grandkids along with Linda and I are getting together for our third annual Christmas in Tucson. It is becoming another feature of the season we anticipate with excitement.
So, for those of you who have a hard time getting excited for the holidays, I understand your point of view. At the same time, I have come to realize by focusing my attention on the negatives, I was being blind to the positives.
Have a Merry Christmas and a rewarding New Year.
Extended Koenigs Family gathering in St Ansgar. Mom and Dad treasure these moments.