Christmas Letter

This is the time of year when people often include a summary of their significant moments from the last twelve months with their Christmas cards.  I always enjoy reading these and am frequently surprised by which events are deemed noteworthy. Here is my list of Pinicon highlights from '22. Enjoy!     

- Highest average corn yield ever.

- Morgen and Josh welcome Kalani.

- Future "Pinicon Hall of Famer" Calvin's last harvest. 

- New insecticide program improved harvest standability.

- No blown truck engines. 👍👍

- Front office remodeled to reduce traffic through Bert's office.

- Doubled storage at Oakdale bin site.

- Master backhoe operator Donavan hands off tile repair duties to next generation.

- Bi-weekly Team meetings becoming recognized as essential practice for Team growth.

Happy holidays and prosperous New Year to all of you!


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